MARCH Seminar 26th March

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Date(s) - 26/03/2023
9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Seminar    26th March   9am – all day

Castlereagh Boutique Hotel       169 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY

TryBooking link to join the Seminar is


9am                             Welcome and Registration   Tea/Coffee and Chat

9.30                              Foundation Training Workshop – posture/alignment/strengthening modality

Presenter: Jacqui Field accredited F.T. Trainer

10.15 – 12.15                Workshop Topic: Performing Shakespeare: Presenter – Chris Tomkinson – Sport for Jove

12.15 – 1.30                    Lunch

1.30 – 3.30                    Workshop Topic: Bringing Contemporary Texts to Life through Vocal Dynamics:

Presenter – Raechyl French – Voice Specialist –

3.30 – 4.00                     Afternoon Tea

4 pm – 4.30                  Touchstones – Topic: Cyber security

4.45                      AGM

COST:     Early Bird rates are available until midnight on 17th March

Members:  Early Bird $80.00   –    $110.00 after 17th March

Non-members: Early Bird $100.00  –  $130.00 after 17th March

Concession/Seniors: Early Bird $70.00  –  $85.00 after 17th March

Students: $60.00

First Time: $35.00
