Date(s) - 28/03/2021
12:00 am
Sunday 28th March Our first seminar for the year. On ZOOM.
Zoom details will be emailed to registered participants.
The programme will begin at 2.45 for 3.00pm with a session run by our own former Vice President Amy Hume and her talented colleague Tricia Morosin. “Preparing students for online performances” This session will look at the needs of those doing auditions, videoing exams or otherwise needing to make the changes to performances that have been forced on us all by Covid and beyond. With Amy’s experience in caring for the voice and Tricia’s experience in helping students with online presentations we will learn more than just the lighting and setup but all the other aspects needed to plan for a taped performance or create a rapport without being in the same room as our audience, while learning to care for ourselves at the same time. How wonderful to be able to “bring Amy home” to us via Zoom even though she is physically in Melbourne working.
The popular Touchstones session will be run by Jacqui Field and will take these areas of new expertise to the members to have a chance to discuss the difficulties or successes people have had with online presentations and then wherever the discussion leads us. So if you have questions to ask the brains trust please have them ready. We would love feedback from members who have ideas for future sessions on the nitty gritty of our teaching. These sessions are our opportunity to learn from each other. We all have something to offer, the enthusiasm and new ideas of our younger members or the wisdom and tried and true methods of our more experienced members.
Then we will have a quick AGM to elect our committee for the next two years. Please email for a nomination form. Nomination forms with two actual or virtual signatures will be accepted.
… followed by a break for 30 minutes – bring a snack meal to “share” and continue chatting and catching up.
Finally we will have a session at 6pm with Susannah Fullerton OAM, one of our favourite presenters, whose specialty is UK authors. Susannah has given us a number of thoroughly researched, interesting and informative talks over the years ranging from Jane Austin to Charles Dickens and this year she will open up The world of Oscar Wilde. Susannah is the president of the Jane Austen Society of Australia who regularly leads literary tours all over the world and has turned her hand to local tours in Australia this year with great success.
The cost of this seminar will be $35 for all members and $45 for non members.
Please register by clicking on the link here…
Looking forward to seeing you all. Please encourage interested parties by sharing the Facebook post when you see it or by forwarding this email to friends and colleagues.