JUNE Seminar

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Date(s) - 13/06/2021
All Day

Castlereagh Boutique Hotel - The Masonic Club



Castlereagh Boutique Hotel, 169 Castlereagh Street. Level 3, Conference Room.

Transport or Parking:
Short walk from Town Hall Station
Nearby secure parking station: Piccadilly Parking Station, 137 Castlereagh St. Drive up daily rate is $30 OR book on-line rate $22 for the day.

SEMINAR PROGRAM Sessions have been confirmed as follows:
8.30 – 9.00 Registration and Covid Check-in
9.00– 11.00 Anthony Skuse: Practical workshop on the creation of character through mask. Comedia Dell’Arte informs so much of modern theatre and is still highly to all forms of dramatic performance. Mask work is an intrinsic aspect of theatre from all cultures and forces us to think about the use of the whole body as we match out physical response to the mask character being created. In this workshop he will take us through the general zanni walk, breaking the vertical axis of the body, leading from different parts of the body/animals and how to use them as a way into the use of masks/characters. He will also lead us to explore the four major comic archetypes: the old man, the servant, the lover, Il capitano and help to express what the scenario tells us.
11.00 – 11.20 Morning Tea
11.20 – 12.15 Katherine Poulsen: Touchstones
Katherine will lead a peer discussion on the ways that we teach Body Language and the importance of this aspect of our teaching. Be prepared to share your ideas and to learn from your professional colleagues. This will be a very interactive session.
12.15 – 1.15 Lunch (BYO)
1.15 – 3.15 Scott Parker: Nurturing Imagination through creative play and the magic of improvisation
Imagination Games are a form of structured improvisation. Children are natural improvisers, capable pf inventing and dreaming up amazing flights of fancy from the simplest starting points. In this practical workshop Scott will demonstrate how he harnesses this imaginative power using games and structured improvisation. Participants will learn from exercises that nurture imaginative development and gently encourage students to play and tell stories for an audience using their bodies and voices as primary instruments.
3.15 – 4.00 Jane Woolford: Dulcie Lenton Memorial Address
Jane studied Speech and Drama with Marie Abjornson, a friend and colleague of Dulcie Lenton. Public Speaking and Debating were interests that she developed and that she continues today as important life skills. Jane’s career in the the International and Australian Not-for Profit sector spans over twenty years including management roles in Caritas Australia and Save the Children as well as experience in the media, teaching and program coordination locally and abroad. Jane has a wealth of experience and wisdom to share, especially in regards to the importance of speech and communication skills and how they can help the community/world in which we live.

4.00 – 4.30 Get-together – Afternoon Tea/Drinks.
Bookings will be via TRYBOOKING here.


Cost for attendance:
Financial Members $65
Non-Members $80
Senior students (tertiary and high school) $50
New member in 2020/21 and first-time attendees $50

Morning and Afternoon tea provided.
Lunch is not provided – own arrangements.